Saturday, 31 January 2015

I got a Makeover!

...well, I wish I got a makeover, but no such luck. Being on maternity leave, my usual look consists of a hoodie, yoga pants, and a ponytail! blog getting a makeover is the next best thing!!

The talented Danielle at Crayon Box Designs brought my vision to life, and I am in LOVE.
To be honest it isn't at all what I had first envisioned, but after a few emails back and forth (I'm pretty sure she was ready to call it quits and be done with me at one point) this was the end result.

I love the chalkboard background with the primary colours! What do you think??

I wanted to celebrate my new look with a little giveaway...interested??

All you have to do is leave me a blog post, letting me know what grade you teach, and give me an idea for a topic you would love to read about on my new blog.

If you are selected, you will win a $20 shopping spree in my store!
If I receive more than 20 comments, I will pick extra winners for every additional 10 comments posted. Those selected will win a $10 shopping spree, so spread the word!

Good luck and, as always, thanks for following!

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Math is Real Life - January 2015 edition

 I am happy to once again join up with the fabulous linky hosted by Miss Math Dork, 4mulafun, The Teacher Studio, and Teaching to Inspire in 5th! 

I recently had a follower contact me regarding my "Think you don't need Math?" poster, and ask me to make a few additions. I am aware that the number of jobs that require math are infinite, and I have tried to include as many as I can, but I couldn't believe that I had left one very important one out!

Stay at home parent!

Now, there may be some argument as to whether this is classified as a "job". Which I will quickly argue, that it is the most difficult job one will ever do! However, sadly this job does not pay in any way (unless you count hugs and kisses).

So how does one use math when he/she is a stay at home parent? In a lot of ways!

Here's just a few ways:

* Time management - if you need to get anywhere at a certain time, you better plan ahead and take into account you need to get more than just yourself out the door, dressed and looking somewhat presentable. Keep an eye on the clock and ALWAYS aim to leave a bit earlier.

* Scheduling- Being a teacher, maybe the idea of scheduling is ingrained in me, but I find that a child and parent who maintain a consistent schedule will have a happier day. This may not be necessary for everyone, but in my case if you want to maintain your sanity you need to set up some sort of routine. There is always occasions that you need to be flexible but I have found that my son has adapted really well to nursery school because he loves the structured routine.

* Budgeting - This is a biggie. If you are a stay at home parent, you are likely not bringing in a steady income. You need to be aware of each penny you spend and where it goes. With a new year upon us, and me still being on mat leave, budgeting has become a very important topic in our house. 

I came across this printable budget binder from Thirty Handmade Days, and I will definitely be giving it a try, as I need to be more accountable for where our money goes, how much goes where, and how much is being saved. 

I think budgeting is such a vital skill and something that we should be teaching our students whenever possible. I know there are so many kids out there that graduate and are in for a rude awakening once they have to start paying for things like rent, bills, gas, and even tuition! Let's face it, once you end up in debt it can be a real struggle to get back out of it.

If you want to get your students to see what's ahead for them in the real world, check out my "Surviving on a Salary" project. It can also be found in my "In my Dreams" Bundle.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Time for some New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year, time to set some resolutions for yourself. How are you going to improve your life to make 2015 the best it can be?

Here's a few things I hope to accomplish this year:
-Eat healthier and get more exercise (like I've never said that before)
-Have a few more date nights with the hubby
-Get a blog makeover and blog more regularly
-Complete the growing amount of half done TpT products I have sitting on my computer
-Get more organized!!!! My "office" is currently on top of my craft table. I really need to separate the two.
-Start planning for my return to work. September 2015 is going to come all too soon. It will be a new school year but also a brand new grade for me!

Do you talk about resolutions with your students when you go back in the New Year?

If not, I find it to be a great way to ease back into routine without overwhelming the students the first day back. Makes for a pretty easy, yet beneficial activity. I find that they are a little more willing to set resolutions, than the more common "goals", especially after a 2 week break!

Here are a few freebies you might want to try out...

...and if you are looking for something geared specifically towards math, check out "My New Year's Math Resolutions". It's a great way for students to reflect on their math learning. This activity is also part of my "Math Portfolio Pack".

Have a great first week back!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Currently January 2015

Happy New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed a festive New Year's Eve! Our's was pretty low key, as my oldest came down with a fever the night before, and our plans were cancelled. Fortunately he is back to himself this morning and my littlest is sleeping.
Now that I have a moment to myself, it seemed like a nice time to link up with Farley's Currently party over at Oh Boy 4th Grade.

I hope your holidays were merry and bright, and that the new year holds new adventures for you!