Saturday 7 February 2015

I love to Math Class!

Here we are in February, also known as "I Love to Read Month" around these parts. It is a pretty big deal around here. Many local celebrities - radio/tv personalities, major league sports players, etc., head into classrooms/schools to read books to kids. The point of the campaign is the share a love of books and the importance of reading at all ages.

At our school we schedule "read-ins" where the librarian allows us to bring our team of students to the library for a whole morning or afternoon, just to read! The kids love it, as they wear their pajamas, and bring their pillows and blankets with them.  It is always a challenge for some students to read quietly for that length of time, so we stop in the middle for snacks and to switch up reading materials. The best part, I get to sit and read too! do I tie this into my math class?
...I read of course. I have to admit my students look a little perplexed when they sit down and I tell them that they get to sit back and relax while I read them a book.

"Huh? Why are you reading us a book? Isn't this Math class?"

Integrating literature of any kind into your math lesson is always a great change of pace for your students. At first they might think it is strange to be reading in math, but by the end they always enjoy it! 

Over the course of this month I am going to share a few of my favorite books that I integrate into my math lessons along with some activities I have created to accompany them.

Here are some of the books I will be highlighting this month:

* Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links*

Stay tuned, tomorrow I will be sharing my list of must-have books for the grade 1-5 Math classroom.

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