At our school we schedule "read-ins" where the librarian allows us to bring our team of students to the library for a whole morning or afternoon, just to read! The kids love it, as they wear their pajamas, and bring their pillows and blankets with them. It is always a challenge for some students to read quietly for that length of time, so we stop in the middle for snacks and to switch up reading materials. The best part, I get to sit and read too! do I tie this into my math class?
...I read of course. I have to admit my students look a little perplexed when they sit down and I tell them that they get to sit back and relax while I read them a book.
"Huh? Why are you reading us a book? Isn't this Math class?"
Over the course of this month I am going to share a few of my favorite books that I integrate into my math lessons along with some activities I have created to accompany them.
Here are some of the books I will be highlighting this month:
* Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links*
Stay tuned, tomorrow I will be sharing my list of must-have books for the grade 1-5 Math classroom.

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