Being grade 8, my students have had quite a bit of prior learning experiences with graphs, so I did not do any pre-teaching prior to this activity. However, if graphing is a newer concept to your students I might do this as a culminating activity to your unit. You can download my FREE set of graph posters here.
Back to our pumpkin data...
I kept my students in the same groups as yesterday and each group was given a sheet of data (the sheets that they recorded their data on yesterday as a class), along with an assignment to complete using that specific data.
Group 1 was required to show the average pumpkin's mass in the form of a horizontal bar graph.
Group 2 was required to show the average pumpkin's width and height in the form of a line graph.
Group 3 was required to show the preferences of eating pumpkin pie in the form of a pie graph.
Group 4 was required to show the "rollability" of the average pumpkin in the form of a double bar graph.
Group 5 was required to show the amount of ribs the average pumpkin has in the form of a picture graph.
Lastly, group 6 was required to show the circumference of the average pumpkin in the form of a vertical bar graph.
Being grade 8, my main goal was for the students to not only be able to represent the data in the form of a graph, but be able to "teach" the rest of the class about the graph and the way it represents the data. For the younger grades you may choose to place the emphasis on a different part of the activity.
So far I think we've made pretty good use of our pumpkins, but I have yet another group challenge for tomorrow.